Technical Pathways
The Technology Campus offers opportunities for students to focus their career interests and goals. Technical Pathways provide the framework in each program which guides students toward their goals. Please refer to your program description to choose the appropriate pathway.
Associate Degree Qualifier Pathway (ADQP)
Allows students at the Technology Campus to earn college credits in their specialty while in high school.
Industry Certified Pathway (ICP)
Provides training based on specific occupational requirements and in some cases, allows for certification of technical skills using industry standards.
Corporate Internship Pathway (CIP)
Offers short-term work experiences with local employers. These opportunities range from short-term extended campus assignments to longer internships.
Student Apprenticeship System Pathway (SAS)
Combines classroom and shop/lab instruction at the Technology Campus with extensive work experience and training through a local employer.
Student Leadership Pathway (SLP)
Provides students with the opportunity to develop leadership potential through their participation in student organizations and community service activities.