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Faces of CTE: Jenna Mitchell

picture of jenna Jenna Mitchell

Jenna is a Senior at Wauconda high school and a second-year Tech Campus student in the Criminal Justice program. With a life-long interest in politics, Jenna returned to Tech after starting in the Law Enforcement & CSI program and shared her thoughts with us as a part of #CTEMonth on why Tech has been so beneficial for her.

“I’ve always been interested in what’s going on in politics,” Jenna said. “And I figured Tech Campus was the best way to get experience with something like this because this elective isn’t offered at my homeschool.”

After forming a good relationship with Mr. Witte in Law Enforcement, it was an easy decision to continue her education with Mr. Becmer in Criminal Justice. Both instructors have extensive experience with the Gurnee and Fox Lake police departments. Jenna plans on continuing her career in law enforcement after graduation in the spring.

“I am currently enlisted in the National Guard, so I will be going off to boot camp in July said,” Jenna said. “I am listed as military police, and hoping to further that into a career.”

Along with experiencing the police and legal landscape in both classes, Jenna has spent time making friends with her peers from different corners of the county, which she said makes coming to Tech one of the best parts of her day.

“The people are the best,” Jenna said. “I made some pretty good friends last year, and have another great couple of friends here now because we have so much in common.”