Lake County Tech Campus ARP/ESSER III Spending Plan
Per ISBE, each school district that receives ARP/ESSER funds must develop a plan for use of the funds and provide an opportunity for public input on the plan. Below is a preliminary plan for our district’s allocation. Public input on this plan may be submitted to Joanne Hughes may also be called at 847-543-6014 for input, comments, suggestions, and questions.
ARP/ESSER Allocation Plan
ESSER III General Allocation = $245,662 (20% must address learning loss)
Proposed Expenditures (80% of allocation = $196,529)
● Salary and benefits for Nurse, student technology i.e. chromebooks
- Allocated: $148,008
Proposed Expenditures (20% of allocation addressing learning loss = $49,132)
● Salary of and benefits for Professional Development Coordinator
- Allocated: $97,826
All expenditures will be dependent upon a successful grant application process.