April 6, 2020 Update
April 6, 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
As you may all be aware, the state board of education, ISBE, shared guidance to schools on instruction and grading during remote learning. The Tech Campus embraces this change and would like to help provide you answers to frequently asked questions about grading. Please remember that our first concern is for the health and well-being of our entire community.
Students will be provided educational learning opportunities for the duration of the remote learning period. Instructors will send daily or weekly emails explaining the opportunity to students, as well as be available during normal work hours via email or potentially video conferencing for student questions. We understand that this does not replace the hands-on learning that our students receive when they are in school.
Per direction from ISBE, student grades were frozen as of March 16. Any work done during remote learning will be used to improve students' grades. Students are encouraged to work on improving their grades. Current grades can be accessed in the PowerSchool portal located on the Tech Campus website. Students are also expected to do a daily eLearning check in through google classroom.
Dual Credit/Certifications
While high school credit will be earned during this time, students enrolled in dual credit with the College of Lake County must work on completing any necessary assignments in order to obtain dual credit. If there are any concerns regarding the completion of work, please reach out to the course instructor. Students will have until April 22 to withdraw from dual credit if necessary.
We are working closely with state agencies regarding state certifications and exams. We will update this information as we receive more guidance from state agencies.
We understand information changes regularly and will keep you informed of any changes to our policy. Tech Campus staff is here to assist in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to administration or program instructors with any questions or concerns you may have.
Stay safe,
Lake County Tech Campus